Parallel Session 2.4

Implementing the ‘Best Buys’ and Effective Interventions at City and Local Level: Showcasing Multisectoral Action

2 February 2019

10:30 - 12:30 hrs.

Background :

Cities have a unique role to play in delivering both national and global commitments to reduce NCDs. This session will look at examples of best practice from the local level, examining how local or municipal authorities and other stakeholders have introduced programmes to promote NCD prevention at the city level. A series of three mini-panels will discuss comparative experiences from multiple cities and their applicability to other settings. The case studies will focus on experience in implementing effective interventions for the prevention and control of NCDs including those linked to the WHO Best Buys. Discussions will look at action across different sectors, transferrable lessons and mechanisms of accountability.

Objectives :

  • To highlight the role of local governments and their partners in preventing and controlling NCDs at the local level by implementing effective interventions including the WHO ‘Best Buys’
  • To showcase examples of exemplary action on the ‘Best Buys’ and other effective interventions at local level, understanding incentives for action, partnership models and mechanisms of accountability.
  • To understand barriers to implementing effective interventions and ways of overcoming them.
  • To inspire others to scale up action on NCDs at the city level.

