Lynn Silver

Senior Advisor

Public Health Institute, Berkeley, California

United States of America

Lynn Silver, MD, MPH, FAAP, is a pediatrician, Senior Advisor at the Public Health Institute and Clinical Professor at University of California San Francisco. In diverse roles as a researcher, consumer advocate, and policymaker, she has advocated for public policies for primary prevention of noncommunicable disease and universal access to quality health care. She helps design and advance successful sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in the US, and lead the evaluation of the first such tax in Berkeley, California. In New York City government, she led initiatives including the nation's first trans fat ban, calorie labeling law, active design guidelines, and national salt reduction. She serves as an advisor to PAHO and the World Bank on NCD prevention issues including fiscal policy. Silver was formerly Visiting Scholar at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and professor at the University of Brasilia.

1 FEB, 2019 15:30-17-30 hrs. PS 1.4 Interrogating [fiscal/public] Policies and Politics