
Health System Approach for Better NCD Outcomes: Opportunities and Challenges of Leapfrogging

Meeting Organizer

World Health Organization (WHO)

Melitta Jakab

Contact Person : Melitta Jakab,

29 January 2019
14:00 - 17:30 hrs.
Venue : Lotus Suite 1-2

Open to All Participants


WHO has carried out a six-year multidisciplinary work program to support Member States in strengthening their health system response to NCDs and to learn in the process. A regional study published in 2018 summarizes the lessons learnt in the WHO European region synthesizing the experience of middle and high income countries and diverse health system settings. The report shares 36 key messages in 9 key policy areas including governance, public health services, multi-profile primary care, regionalized specialist services, people-centerdness, health workforce, access to quality medicines, prioritized financing, and information solutions. The report is rich in country examples. A compendium of 22 good practices provide further contextualized detailes of successfully aligned systems approaches to NCDs.


(1) To highlight the importance of a comprehensive and aligned health system response to NCDs; (2) To understand opportunities for leapfrogging and organizational innovation and discuss how to overcome challenges; (3) To be inspired by successful country examples