
Meeting on Diet Associated NCDs and the Private Sector

Meeting Organizer

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Food Programme

UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition

Contact Person : Lina Mahy,

30 January 2019
14:00 - 17:30 hrs.
Venue : Lotus Suite 9

Open to All Participants


Increasingly, the private sector is recognized as a key contributor to both social and economic development. If we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the private sector must play a positive role. In the food and agriculture sector alone, analysis has shown that net annual investments of US $320 billion by the private sector could result in business opportunities totaling US $2.3 trillion a year by 2030.[1] For nutrition, the need for engagement of the private sector is clear, as business is a key stakeholder across the different levels and stages of our food system, including production, supply chain, food processing and product formulation, product marketing, among others. In short, there is a clear investment case for the private sector in development linked to nutrition. However, the private sector should consider desinveting in certain productsto reduce the negative impacts of these products, especially given that the private sector produces most of the foods that drive the increasing rates of overweight, obesity, and diet-associated Non-Communicable Diseases. It is thus critical that they are engaged and better leveraged to contribute to reducing NCDs in a sustainable manner, in line with national, regional, and global policies and guidance. A number of platforms and initiatives work in collaboration with the private sector and governments focus on this critical area, looking at change that can be driven using the private sector as a vehicle as well as regulating the private sector to produce less unhealthy products. This session will explore the various mechanisms for engaging with the private sector to reduce overnutrition and diet-associated NCDs.


• Discuss the roles of private sector actors in the prevention and control of diet-associated NCDs • Review different platforms and initiatives working to engage the private sector around diet-associated NCDs • Consider best practice for diet-associated NCDs and Private Sector actors • Establish recommendations and key next steps for better engaging with the private sector around diet-associated NCDs