Parallel Session 3.3

What's Law Got to Do with It ?

2 February 2019

15:30 - 17:30 hrs.

Background :

The law can be a powerful tool to prevent, control and treat NCDs as it can be used to prohibit or permit specific behaviors. The law is also a vital tool in the creation of safeguards and normative frameworks that shape politics, economics and governance. However, the law can also create barriers and challenges to optimal NCDs responses. As part of ongoing efforts to improve policy coherence in global, regional and national legal frameworks and create and implement public health-driven legal and normative strategies, including by sensitizing and supporting parliamentarians to accelerate progress towards Agenda 2030 implementation, much can be done to support NCD-related priorities. 

The session will discuss challenges and opportunities related to the NCD responses & the Law, including discussion of the following topics: 

• Global norm-setting to prevent, control and treat NCDS, from the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco control and beyond 
• Best practices in creating strategies and safeguards to promote evidence-driven policy-coherent legal responses and avoid undue influence 
• Making the case for a rights-based approach to NCD treatment: a patient perspective 
• The law as a tool to deal with commercial determinant in NCD responses –NCD strategies to increase legal policy coherence on health, trade and investment regimes 


Objectives :

This session will increase visibility of the opportunities, progress and challenges in creative effective framework legislation and normative guidelines and the role of international law and rules based agreements in NCD responses. It will also provide an overview of how international and domestic legislative and normative strategies interact and to highlight opportunities for increased policy coherence and best practices.  The session will provide an opportunity to discuss strategies for multisectoral and whole-society responses, while managing undue influence and conflicts of interest. 

