Plenary Session 2

Address Determinants of NCD: the Whole of Government and Systems Response

2 February 2019

09:00 - 10:00 hrs.

Background :

Addressing NCD determinants requires strengthening multi-sectoral actions for health beyond the territory of health sector. A few systems contribute to addressing NCD.
• Accountability systems: good governance, ethical conduct of government actor, effective management of conflict of interests will guide transparent and responsive politics which affect sectoral policies in response to NCD.
• Intelligence systems contribute to evidence which guide effective agenda setting, policy formulation, policy implementation and monitoring and evaluation. This requires institutional capacity in country to guide evidence based policy. 
• Effective political systems: government and legislative bodies has large role in effective responses to NCD, through leadership, commitment, and responsiveness to its citizen. 

These systems contribute to effective sectoral policy responses to NCD, for example, education sector improves health literacy in the population and consumer empowerment, economic and fiscal policies support increased tax on tobacco, alcohol and sugary beverage deter consumption on these products. Labour policies in favor of maternity leaves support successful six month exclusive breast feeding which is an intrinsic preventive factors for certain NCD. Food and nutrition labeling such as Recommended Daily Allowance, salt, trans-fat and sugar contents increases consumer awareness and prevent obesity. Urban planning, environment and transportation policies provide a conducive infrastructure and social environment in favour of physically active citizen and minimum polluted environment.

This sixty minute plenary will address how various government sectors: trade, economic, education, labour and health are mobilized, given their distinctive institutional and legal mandates, for a shared value in response to NCD through policy coherence and synergies. Active citizen and empowerment are critical in holding government actors and private corporate sector accountable and act for the interests of public. This can be accomplished by good governance, rule of law, accountability, transparency and management of conflict of interests, government regulatory capacities, and an intelligence system where institutional capacities are required to maximize power of evidence.

Objectives :

To synthesize global experiences on the whole of government actions and synergies with civil society and active citizens in addressing NCD determinants.

